Be A Guy

Posts Tagged ‘Projectile point’

Clovis People Probably Not Alone in North America –

In Did You See This? on July 13, 2012 at 4:25 pm


Oho! It was an arms race and the peaceful Asians lost out to the warlike proto-Europeans, outstanding. These new projectile points are pretty wimpy compared to the Clovis flints. The white man stuck it to the natives twice in NA. The first homonids left Africa for unknown reasons- I suspect the neighbors had something to do with it. I also suspect that there is an atavistic urge to protect ones genes by geographic dispersal.

Now which one of these tribes wiped out the protohorse, mastodon and saber tooth tiger?

Oh we pushed each other all over the globe. Extinct Neandertal relatives serve up a complete genetic playbook…..

Note 1/20/13

Suffering a bit of insomnia last week, I end up watching some show discussing the possibilities that the Knights Templar visited MN.
Yesterday, Garrison Keelor is discussing the Hohokum, of the Phoenix basin, who disappeared for no apparent reason; as have various tribes in the Western Hemisphere.
And, on the treadmill this morning, I’m wondering if a possible explanation might not be the inadvertent bio-genocide visited to the Americas by people’s who had domesticated pigs & fowl…
In light of the growing evidence that there were multiple emigrations from Europe, Africa & Asia to the Americas for tens of thousands of years is it not possible that intrepid voyagers,brought the flu or some other city disease to the Indians.
By some accounts 90% of the populations within 100 miles of the shore died whenever Europeans alit.

And more 1/22

Wanted: ‘Adventurous’ Woman to Birth Neanderthal

“It depends on a hell of a lot of things, but I think it can be done,” the professor, who says the plan would require “extremely adventurous female human” to serve as a surrogate mother, tells der Spiegel. The benefits of bringing back our long-extinct relatives include the fact that they may prove to be more intelligent than modern humans, and “when the time comes to deal with an epidemic or getting off the planet or whatever, it’s conceivable that their way of thinking could be beneficial,” the professor says.”

The Denisovan’s genetic library suggest that she came from a small population that expanded rapidly as it moved south through Asia,

Skill Set I Wish I Had- Knapping, Skill Set I’d Rather Not Have- Genocide .2
wanderlust is simply genetic diffussion? –
Nothing Stands Alone- 1493 and Cusp Events

A Bone Here, a Bead There: On the Trail of Human Origins

New evidence of multiple branches of evolution

Hand to Hand 2.1

In Mobile Updates, Pictures on August 20, 2011 at 7:42 pm

I am fond of this little camera- 95% found items. I practice an arcane art; tracking. I find and see things others don’t. I find owl castings in tall grass.

I have never found and arrow head. I mentioned this once in a Pennsylvania field and one of the guys with whom I’m hunting says “Like this” as he bends down and comes up with a beautiful little white one.

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For a brutal assessment of my opinion on photographers see this.

Skill Set I Wish I Had

In Be a Guy, Tool Kit on August 8, 2011 at 7:14 pm

Don’t know whether or not I can Flint Knapp because I’ve never attempted it…

I do suspect that in previous lives I spent a lot of time doing this. I think I may have been admired for my knapping skill. I also suspect that this was essentially a time killer before TV, smoking and surfing the web… There are midden piles of flint shards that fill canyons. I also know that an adept mechanic could knock out a point in minutes- otherwise you wouldn’t find them discarded and lost all over the place. That would be you, I find all sorts of stuff, I find owl castings in tall grass and contact lenses on athletic fields. But I don’t find arrow heads. Standing in the middle of a field in PA I mentioned this to the guy I was bird hunting with and he reached down, picked up an arrow head and said “Like This?”

Do know that Flint and Obsidian blades are many more time sharper than Shorty’s Straight Razor.

Do know that John Lord [click for video] is the man.

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