Be A Guy

About standup2p

No promises- it seems I will post something everyday, at least in a crude form, and something of substance weekly. Subscribe in the bottom left corner and you will be notified of new content.

I’m a guy… I’m a guy you want around when the ship runs aground, the garage catches fire, a fight breaks out, if your dog is full of porcupine quills. If there’s a raccoon crazed  on rat bait in your garage I’m the guy you want next door. If the Vandals and Visigoths are crossing the frozen Rhine– you want me on watch. I’m a kook who carries matches when I’m not smoking and sits in the gunfighter’s seat in a family restaurant. My change jar has as many apex and drill bits as it has pennies. Every vehicle I have ever owned has a punctured seat because I jumped in with a tool in my pocket.

A macho guy by many measures- I’ve had my ass kicked, for good reason, in at least a dozen states.  An anachronism by others. I can dig a ditch, use an axe, sharpen a chainsaw, weld, wood work, butcher, garden, pull wire, run plumbing, plow snow, sweat and braze. I own tools for making tools.  I can sharpen a hand saw, knife, axe and cabinet scraper. I’ve collected pay envelopes for logging, mining, farming and cowboying. I’ve hunted, butchered and eaten game, livestock and fish, exterminated pests and put down sick and injured animals. I believe that these experiences and others are a necessity of cultural literacy.

I don’t wear cologne and I wash my hair with Ivory. I don’t wear French Cuffs or jewelry; I do carry two pocket knives.

I’m a real failure by many yardsticks- either born 150 years too late or, the way things are going, 30 years too early.  I do believe that in more than one life I rode the steppes on small ponies.

It comes to my attention especially in the past year that I have put too many of my beliefs aside for some misguided PC reasons. However, it’s dawning on me more and more that I can express my primacy [at least to myself], without the rage of my youth.

And that 1/2 my problems have to do with squatting submissively.

Hence- standup2p.It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees

What set’s me apart? Well I’ve been flattered by suggestions, for years, that I should write. And I’ve been keeping journals, talking to myself and scribbling on bar napkins for years. I don’t consider myself a writer I consider myself an autobiographer and a monologist; who doesn’t believe in the truth getting in the way of a good story. I do believe that 1/2 of my routine is lost on paper; I have a deep voice, a big head and expressive eyebrows.

I laughed my ass off when I first saw this Family Guy episode and woke one morning shortly after beginning, thinking that this blog exercise is not unlike Stewie‘s observation.  But then I didn’t come up with the blog idea (OK I did, but didn’t act on it until a few people suggested it) my public demanded it. Actually I’m doing this for myself this is a journal, not a diary.

Comments? Questions? Observations?

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